I started my coaching business in 2019 with the intention of building a flexible schedule and more balance into my life. I was sick of the hours commuting, kids in ten hour daycare and the corporate politics of my 9-5 job.
But, when I *actually* started making sales, creating connections and gaining traction in my business, I found myself totally obsessed and consumed with endless tasks and social media apps.
I dove head-first into my business and planning a wedding (very poorly, I might add), taking care of my daughter and working a 9-5. It was a hot mess express. I eventually burnt out and had to take a step back from my business to re-evaluate how I could add more balance to my life.
With a year-long pandemic, virtual schooling, and economic uncertainty, many families are stressed out. Adding a business in the mix as well can throw everything off-kilter.
As a business coach, I’ve been helping mom entrepreneurs build and market an impactful business while creating their own sense of balance in life. Less being “on” and more strategic planning around soul-centered content creation and income generated around the clock.
It’s SO easy to be consumed by your business and neglect other areas of your life, but the reality is that a happy and healthy life outside of your business will positively impact success. If you’re struggling with balancing your home life and business life, here my top pieces of advice.
Be clear about what balance looks like to you
Start with what’s feeling “off” in your life. Does it feel like you never have time to workout or cook yourself breakfast in the morning? Write that down!
Creating a dream day in your life and a weekly dream schedule is one of the best ways to start reimagining what balance can be in your business. If you’re craving more blank space in your calendar or time with your kids, write that down. If you feel burnt out with constant calls, document that. If you want to take off Fridays to get weekly massages, I support you!
Note that there’s no need to make a carbon copy of another entrepreneur’s lifestyle – you have your own unique set of circumstances. Want to start your work day at 11am everyday? Great! It’s your business!
Audit your time and outsource the rest
Auditing your time is one of the most annoying and rewarding things you can do for your business. If you are feeling unbalanced and overwhelmed, it’s probably because you’re being spread thin or you’re spending a lot of effort in one area of your business or life.
Using apps like Clockify can be helpful to quantify the amount of time you’re spending with each task. From there, you can see what tasks can be outsourced or delegated to another human.
If laundry is taking up ten hours weekly and you absolutely hate doing it – consider outsourcing it. I understand that this is a HUGE privilege, but if you’re able to afford outsourcing housekeeping, laundry or meal prep, that’s an instant win and will make your life feel so much more balanced.
In our family, we’ve chosen to outsource house cleaning twice a month and it’s so worth it. In my business, I’ve outsourced admin tasks, video editing, graphic creation, branding, copywriting and other time-consuming tasks that are not in my area of genius.
Be ruthless about boundaries
After getting clear about your dream schedule and outsourcing and delegating what you can, it’s time to get crystal clear on boundaries. I know, I know – boundaries can be uncomfortable! They’re for your own good, I promise!
Most of us have created goals for our business and our personal lives, and my rule is to say no to anything that doesn’t pertain to those goals. I’ve turned down podcast interviews, collaborations, potential clients and so much more because of boundaries and balance.
Having boundaries around when you schedule calls, when you start and stop working for the day and how you offer help in your business can truly help you achieve more balance.
One of the most difficult things while running a business as a mom is the constant screen time. Whether your business is on Instagram or Facebook, you can’t run away from social media apps and the constant “need” to respond immediately. Turning your notifications off, deleting your apps on weekends and giving yourself dedicated social media time can add more time for yourself and your family.
Seeking a support network
Let’s keep it funky – we are parenting in a pandemic and there’s never been anything like this! The problem right now with parenting and running a business is that even though we’ve been home more than ever, there’s still virtual school, lack of childcare for the little kids and a sense of exhaustion.
This is why having a support network is incredibly helpful for feeling more at ease. Building your community of fellow moms, coaches, virtual assistants, friends and family will help you feel less overwhelmed.
Most of us are craving connection and to feel a sense of normalcy again. Even if you’re incredibly busy, pencil virtual facetime in with your friends and family. You won’t ever regret this!
You are not your business – find a hobby!
As I mentioned earlier, the first 18 months of my building my business were ALL about being consumed by my business. I would eat, sleep and breathe my business. It wasn’t cute, but I know tons of people in the same position.
While it’s tempting to base your entire identity on being a mom who runs a kickass business, I challenge you to create an identity outside of these two areas of life. You could try painting, gardening, solitaire, improv or taking a non-business related course. Having hobbies and interests outside of your work as a mom and as an entrepreneur can add a sense of balance and purpose to your life.
Rest, then rest again
Yep, you heard me correctly! Rest is essential for balance.
When we are completely burnt out and unbalanced it is usually because we aren’t taking care of our health and we aren’t resting. Before you tear apart your life, consider taking some time to reflect and rest. Your business can wait, but your health and sense of balance cannot wait.
If you’re looking to add more balance to your life, increase your productivity while running a highly profitable business – check out my workshop Bottles and Benjamins. It’s a 60 minute workshop dedicated to everything balance and babies.
Keep on working on balance. You can do this!

Simone McNish is a business coach and DEI Consultant. She works with moms and women of color on running profitable and sustainable businesses. As a DEI Consultant, she helps small businesses and non-profit organizations create more equitable and impactful workplaces. Simone is a mom of 2 and an avid reality TV lover.