Starting an LLC FAQs
This comprehensive guide on how to start an LLC in all 50 states provides an overview of what an LLC is, how they work, and resources for each US state.
What is an LLC?
An LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is a type of private limited company in the United States. A private limited company is any type of business entity in private ownership, in contrast to a publicly listed company.
A publicly listed company is one that sells the entirety of itself or portions of itself to the public in an initial public offering (IPO), which means that shareholders are entitled to a share of the company’s assets and profits.
A privately owned company is owned by its founders and management, and is therefore not beholden to shareholders. A privately owned entity also does not trade stock on a stock exchange, and is therefore not required to disclose its financial information.
When thinking about how to start an LLC, it’s good to know that an LLC is just one type of four categories of privately owned companies, which include: sole proprietorships, S corporations (S-corps) and C corporations (C-corps).
- Sole proprietorship: A sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business with a single owner who pays personal income tax on any profits the business earns. All business liabilities extend to the owner as the business is not registered and does not have any government protection.
- S corporations (S-corps): An S-corporation is similar to an LLC in that there is no corporate tax – taxable income, credits, deductions, and losses are passed directly to shareholders who are then responsible for paying personal income taxes; S-corps, however, must be 100 shareholders or fewer, and LLC membership is unlimited. S-corp membership is also limited to U.S. citizens and certain US residents., Form LLC-12, with the California Secretary of State.
- C corporations (C-corps): The structure of a C-corporation legally separates the owner’s assets and income from the business entity, but this structure involves double taxation – earnings are subject to corporate taxes before profits are distributed to shareholders, and these profits are then taxed on a personal income level.
An LLC is a business structure that combines the pass-through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship with the limited liability of a corporation. LLC owners are protected from personal responsibility for the LLC’s debts or liabilities. An LLC is essentially a hybrid entity with characteristics of both a corporation and a partnership or sole proprietorship.
Owners of an LLC are called members and may include individuals, corporations, other LLCs, and foreign entities (banks and insurance companies cannot be LLC owners). LLCs don’t pay taxes on their profits directly – rather losses and profits are passed through to these members, who report them on their individual tax returns.
Most states permit “single-member” LLCs, which are LLCs with only one owner. While rules and regulations for how to start an LLC vary from state to state, an LLC generally requires Articles of Organization (or similar document), also known as a Certificate of Formation, to be filed with the state
Why Start an LLC?
There are several benefits to structuring your small business as an LLC. Some of the most valuable advantages include: personal liability protection, simplicity, low cost, credibility, tax benefits, and flexibility:
Personal Liability Protection
- In a sole proprietorship or a partnership, the owner and business are one in the same. In an LLC, the LLC and the owners/stakeholders are legally separate entities. The means the LLC debts and obligations are the responsibility of the LLC, and the owner’s personal assets can’t be targeted in the event of bankruptcy or an LLC-related lawsuit.
- In many states, LLCs don’t need to hold annual meetings, file annual reports, or keep highly extensive records. With no requirements for a board of directors or keeping meeting minutes, there’s significantly less paperwork than a corporation, and LLCs are easier to maintain.
Low Cost
- LLCs are highly cost effective. You’re not required to hire and pay for an attorney andless compliance paperwork means fewer filing fees. The personal asset protection could potentially save huge sums of money in the long run, and initial formation fees typically range between $50 to $800 depending on the state.
Tax Benefits
- The IRS classifies LLCs as either partnerships or sole proprietorships, meaning LLCs get “pass-through” taxation and don’t pay corporate taxes. Instead the LLC’s losses and profits pass through to the owners’ personal tax returns, and the owners pay personal income tax on any profits. Sole proprietors, general partners, and most LLC members are also responsible for paying a self-employment tax, which is a separate, additional federal income tax that consists of a 12.4 percent Social Security tax and a 2.9 percent Medicare tax. Individual owners, rather than the LLC, are required to pay all of the 15.3 percent self-employment tax.
- Ownership, management, and profit distribution are all very flexible with an LLC. LLCs pass-through taxation has no restrictions on the number or type of owners. LLCs also don’t have the formal structure of corporations, so owners have more freedom to choose how they manage the business. And while corporations must distribute profits to shareholders based on the number and types of shares they have, LLCs have the freedom to decide how to distribute profits.
What are the Steps to Starting an LLC?
How do you start an LLC? While the steps to start an LLC vary from state to state, there are a few common steps that you’ll need to take no matter where you want to start your business:
1. Name Your Business:
- First you’ll need to choose your business name. In addition to marketing and branding considerations, you’ll also need to take state law requirements into account while deciding on a name. You should visit the website of the state agency responsible for business filings (typically the Secretary of State) to check naming requirements and to make sure the name you’ve chosen is not already in use. Any references in an LLC name to suggest an affiliation with insurance or banking is typically prohibited. Check out our Ultimate Guide to Naming an LLC.
2. Name a Registered Agent:
- An LLC is legally required to have a designated Registered Agent, who acts as an intermediary for receiving official legal documents and passing them on to the LLC owner. A Registered Agent can be anyone over the age of 18 as long as they’re available during regular business hours at an address located in the state where the LLC is registered. We have everything you need to know about registered agents.
3. File Articles of Organization (or similar document):
- This document can be found on the website of the state agency responsible for business filings. To fill out this document, you’ll need to know your business’s name, address, purpose, management strategy, intended duration, and the Registered Agent’s contact information. You’ll need to pay a filing fee to submit your document to the state. If it’s accepted, you’ll receive a certificate of formal registration. See our Articles of Organization LLC Template to see exactly what you should include.
4. Draft an Operating Agreement:
- Not every state requires an LLC to create an Operating Agreement. But they’re still highly useful as they outline and ensure that all members understand and agree to their designated rights and responsibilities. The agreement should include all relevant information relating to your LLC’s operations, including how profits will be distributed. While there are free templates available, an attorney should be consulted for more complex operations. See our LLC Operating Agreement Template to make sure you’re including all the essentials.
How long does it take to start an LLC? Again, this varies depending on the state where you’re filing and the time of year. In some states, once your application has been received, the state agency may issue a certificate of approval within just three business days. Other states may take four to six weeks or longer, so give yourself plenty of time.
What are the Benefits of Starting Up an LLC?
Why start an LLC? One of the major benefits to starting an LLC is the limited liability aspect. Because the assets and debts of an LLC are legally kept separate from the personal assets and debts of the company’s owners, the owners’ personal assets are protected from being targeted by creditors if the LLC goes bankrupt.
Another major advantage of starting an LLC is how it’s taxed. Starting an LLC for tax benefits is advantageous due to its pass-through taxation structure. While corporations’ profits are taxed at the corporate level and then again after being distributed to the individual shareholders, an LLCs profits are passed directly to the owner and taxed only once as part of the owner’s personal income.
How to Name Your LLC
What’s in a name? A lot, if you’re starting your own business. Starting an LLC business begins with choosing a great name for your LLC. This involves far more than just coming up with something punchy and unique. The state agency that handles your application to form an LLC needs to approve your intended name first. Here is a brief rundown of some of the best practices for how to name your LLC:
- Make sure your intended name isn’t already taken. We have a full guide on how to check if an LLC name is taken.
- LLC names must include “LLC” in the name. This can be styled as: XYZ Limited Liability Company; XYZ Limited Liability Co.; XYZ Limited; XYZ BC L.L.C.; XYZ LLC; or XYZ Ltd.
- Don’t mislead the public. As in, don’t name your LLC anything that falsely implies your business is a corporation, bank, insurance company, or any other type of enterprise that it’s not.
- The name must match your business’s purpose, e.g. you cannot use terms like “medical” or “attorney” without proving that licensed professionals in those fields are part of your business.
- Follow the common LLC naming tips. Pick a name that:
- Clearly implies what products and services you provide
- Is available for domain name registration
- Is distinct, short, and easy to say
- Avoids being associated with, or violates any other trademarks from, well established companies. For example, don’t use the prefixes “i” or “Mc” which could lead to accusations that you’re trying to mislead the public into thinking that your business is associated with Apple or McDonald’s.
- Once you pick a name, reserve it for 60 to 120 days by filing a name reservation request form with your state’s Office of the Secretary and paying a small reservation fee. During this time you (and only you) can file Articles of Organization (or similar document) under that name.
- After naming your LLC, you may want to protect your business’s name with a registered trademark.
What are the Costs of Starting an LLC?
How much does it cost to start an LLC? The cost of starting an LLC depends entirely on the state where your LLC is registered. Initial application fees range from $50 to $800. There may also be additional fees associated with consulting an attorney.
Drafting an Operating Agreement could cost anywhere between $50 and $200 if you hire a service to prepare it for you. Registered Agents can be internal, but if you choose a service provider that will act as your Registered Agent, that could cost between $100 and $300 per year.
LLCs are also subject to taxation and may be subject to reporting fees, which vary depending on the state. Some states require a publication of a notice of intent to register your LLC. If your LLC is in one of these states you’ll need to pay for ad space, which varies greatly depending on the publication.
*Fees associated with starting an LLC are subject to change. Be sure to visit the website for the governing body responsible for your state’s business regulations and fees to check for updates.
So what do you need to start an LLC? Every state has their own unique requirements, fees, and checklist for starting an LLC. Read on to learn how to start an LLC in each US state.
How to Start an LLC in Each US State
How to Start an LLC in Alabama
Steps to starting an LLC in Alabama:
- Name Your Alabama LLC – Alabama business name reservation fee is $25
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $200 filing fee.
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- Keep Certain LLC Records on Site – This includes copies of the Certificate of Formation, Operating Agreement, and the most recent financial statements, as well as the names and addresses of all members.
- File a Business Privilege Tax Return on or before 3.5 months after the start of the taxpayer’s tax year.
Starting an LLC in Alaska
Steps to starting an LLC in Alaska:
- Name Your Alaska LLC – Alaska business name reservation fee is $25.
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Determine your North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code by entering a keyword that describes the company or industry of interest on the Census Bureau website.
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) via the Alaska Department of Commerce website – $250 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Get an Alaska Business License
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information – Submit an initial report within the first six months of creating your LLC, then biennial reports are due every two years before January 2 thereafter – $100 filing fee.
LLC formation in Arizona
Steps to starting an LLC in Arizona:
- Name your Arizona LLC – Arizona business name reservation fee is $45.
- Appoint a Statutory Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $50 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Complete Publication Requirements – the certificate from the Arizona Corporation Commission will contain information on how to publish.
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- No annual report is required for LLCs in Arizona.
How to Start an LLC in Arkansas
Steps to starting an LLC in Arkansas:
- Name Your Arkansas LLC – Arkansas business name reservation fee is $25.
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (Form LL-01) (or similar document) – $45 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually – A franchise tax report is due by May 1st of the year following incorporation and annually thereafter – $150 filing fee.
Starting an LLC in California
Steps to starting an LLC in California:
- Name your California LLC – California business name reservation fee is $10
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $70 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate from the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information – $20 filing fee, to be filed within 90 days after filing Articles of Organization (or similar document) and subsequently filed biennially thereafter.
- Pay the $800 Franchise Tax Board Fee annually – for your first year of operation, payment is due by the 15th in the fourth month after you form the LLC with the state
- Review our Complete Guide to LLC Costs in California

Visit our guide to Starting and Maintaining an LLC in California
LLC Formation in Colorado
Steps to starting an LLC in Colorado:
- Name Your Colorado LLC – Colorado business name reservation fee is $25
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $50 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information (aka Periodic Report) within a 5-month window – can be filed two months prior to the Periodic Report month or two months after without any penalty – $10 filing fee
How to Start an LLC in Connecticut
Steps to starting an LLC in Connecticut:
- Name Your Connecticut LLC – Connecticut business name reservation fee is $60
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $120 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually – $80 filing fee due within 30 days after your business is formed
Starting an LLC in Delaware
Steps to starting an LLC in Delaware:
- Name Your Delaware LLC – Delaware business name reservation filing fee is $75
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $90 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- Delaware LLCs do not pay a franchise tax or file an annual report, but must pay a flat, annual fee of $300 before or on June 1st
LLC formation in Florida
Steps to starting an LLC in Florida:
- Name Your Florida LLC – filing fee is $25
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $125 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- Get a Florida Business License – Depending on the nature of your LLC, you may need to apply for a Florida business license. Check the U.S. Small Business Administration to see if your business activity is listed and requires a license, then contact the issuing agency for further details.
- Open a Bank Account – LLCs in Florida are required to have a bank account in Florida.
- Comply With Employer Obligations – If your LLC has employees, you must purchase workers’ compensation insurance, pay unemployment taxes, and report new employees within 20 days to the Florida Department of Revenue.
- File a Statement of Information annually – $138.75 filing fee due each year by May 1st
Visit our guide to starting an LLC in Florida
How to Start an LLC in Georgia
Steps to starting an LLC in Georgia:
- Name Your Georgia LLC – Georgia business name reservation filing fee is $25
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $100 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information each calendar year between January 1st and April 1st – $50 filing fee
Starting an LLC in Hawaii
Steps to starting an LLC in Hawaii:
- Name Your Hawaii LLC – Hawaii business name reservation filing fee is $10
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $50 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually – $15 filing fee due in the quarter that contains the registration anniversary date
LLC formation in Idaho
Steps to starting an LLC in Idaho:
- Name Your Idaho LLC – Idaho business name reservation filing fee is $20
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $100 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information every year on the anniversary month of your business’s formation.
How to Start an LLC in Illinois
Steps to starting an LLC in Illinois:
- Name Your Illinois LLC – Illinois business name reservation filing fee is $25
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $150 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information – $75 filing fee due before the first day of your LLC’s anniversary month
- Register your LLC with the Illinois Department of Revenue
- Comply With Employer Obligations – If your LLC has employees, you must purchase workers’ compensation insurance, pay unemployment taxes, and report new employees within 20 days to the Illinois Department of Employment Security.
Starting an LLC in Indiana
Steps to starting an LLC in Indiana:
- Name Your Indiana LLC – Indiana business name reservation filing fee is $20
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $95 filing fee online; $100 via mail
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information on the anniversary month of your LLC’s formation every other year – $50 filing fee
LLC formation in Iowa
Steps to starting an LLC in Iowa:
- Name your Iowa LLC – Iowa business name reservation filing fee is $10
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $50 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information between January 1st and April 1st of each odd-numbered year – $45 filing fee via the Fast Track Filing system
How to Start an LLC in Kansas
Steps to starting an LLC in Kansas:
- Name your Kansas LLC – Kansas business name reservation filing fee is $30
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $165 filing fee via mail; $160 online
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually at the time prescribed by law for filing the annual Kansas tax return – $55 filing fee via mail; $50 online
Starting an LLC in Kentucky
Steps to starting an LLC in Kentucky:
- Name Your Kentucky LLC – Kentucky business name reservation filing fee is $15
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Submit a Certificate of Authority application – $90 filing fee
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – There are three different types of LLC registration: Professional, For-Profit, or Nonprofit LLC. Complete and submit whichever application best describes your business – $40 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by June 30th of each year – $15 filing fee
LLC formation in Louisiana
Steps to starting an LLC in Louisiana:
- Name Your Louisiana LLC – Louisiana business name reservation filing fee is $25
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $100 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by the anniversary date of the LLC – $30 filing fee
How to Start an LLC in Maine
Steps to starting an LLC in Maine:
- Name Your Maine LLC – Maine business name reservation filing fee is $20
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $175 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by June 1st – $85 filing fee
Starting an LLC in Maryland
Steps to starting an LLC in Maryland:
- Name Your Maryland LLC – Maryland business name reservation filing fee is $25
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $100 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by April 15th – $300 filing fee
LLC formation in Massachusetts
Steps to starting an LLC in Massachusetts:
- Name Your Massachusetts LLC – Massachusetts business name reservation filing fee is $30
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $500 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by the first day of the anniversary month of your LLC registration – $500 filing fee
How to Start an LLC in Michigan
Steps to starting an LLC in Michigan:
- Name Your Michigan LLC – Michigan business name reservation filing fee is $25
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $50 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- Comply with Employer Obligations – In Michigan, employers must:
- Withhold federal, state, and local income taxes from employees wages and forward what is collected to the government
- Report new employees to the government within 20 days of their hire date
- Purchase workers compensation insurance for work-related injuries
- Pay taxes to the state unemployment fund
- Get a Michigan Business License – Depending on the nature of your business, you may need to obtain a business license in Michigan. Visit Michigan’s State License Search site to find your type of business and more information on licensing.
- File a Statement of Information annually by February 15th (unless the LLC is formed after September 30th, in which case the LLC is not required to file a statement on the February 15th immediately succeeding its formation or authorization) – $25 filing fee
Starting an LLC in Minnesota
Steps to starting an LLC in Minnesota:
- Name Your Minnesota LLC – Minnesota business name reservation filing fee is $35
- Establish a registered office in Minnesota (must be a street address, not a P.O. Box)
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) — $135 filing fee via mail, $155 for online, in-person, or expedited.
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by December 31st – No filing fee if the entity is active and in good standing
LLC formation in Mississippi
Steps to starting an LLC in Mississippi:
- Name Your Mississippi LLC – Mississippi business name reservation filing fee is $25
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – Create an account on the Mississippi Business Services portal to submit Articles of Organization (aka Certificate of Formation) – $50 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate from the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually anytime between January 1st and April 15th – No filing fee
How to Start an LLC in Missouri
Steps to starting an LLC in Missouri:
- Name Your Missouri LLC – Missouri business name reservation filing fee is $25
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $105 filing fee for paper filing, $50 for online
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- No Statement of Information is required for LLCs in Missouri
Starting an LLC in Montana
Steps to starting an LLC in Montana:
- Create an Account on Montana’s Business Portal – Montana’s business filing system is entirely online.
- Name Your Montana LLC – Montana business name reservation filing fee is $20
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $35 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually through the online portal no later than April 15th – $20 filing fee
LLC formation in Nebraska
Steps to starting an LLC in Nebraska:
- Name Your Nebraska LLC – Nebraska’s business name reservation filing fee is $30
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $100 filing fee
- File an Affidavit of Publication – Once you have formed your LLC, you must publish a notice of information in a newspaper near the LLC’s office address. The notice must be published within 45 days of the LLC’s formation and run for three consecutive weeks. After three weeks, the newspaper will send an Affidavit of Publication to the LLC, which must then be filed with the Secretary of State.
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information biennially with the Nebraska Secretary of State by April 1st in odd-numbered years – $10 filing fee
How to Start an LLC in Nevada
Steps to starting an LLC in Nevada:
- Name Your Nevada LLC – Nevada’s business name reservation filing fee is $25
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $425 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by the end of your registration anniversary month – $150 filing fee
Starting an LLC in New Hampshire
Steps to starting an LLC in New Hampshire:
- Name Your New Hampshire LLC – New Hampshire’s business name reservation filing fee is $15
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $100 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Obtain Business Licenses and Permits – Some entities require a business license and permit to operate as an LLC in New Hampshire. Review New Hampshire’s Online License Application/Renewal Service to determine if your entity requires a license.
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by April 1st – $100 filing fee
LLC formation in New Jersey
Steps to starting an LLC in New Jersey:
- Name Your New Jersey LLC – New Jersey’s business name reservation filing fee is $50
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Obtain a New Jersey Business License – Some entities require a business license and permit to operate as an LLC in New Jersey. Review New Jersey’s Licensing & Certification Guide to determine if your industry requires a business license.
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $125 filing fee; $75 filing fee for nonprofits
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by the last day of the anniversary month when your business was formed – $75 filing fee
Visit our guide to starting an LLC in New Jersey
How to Start an LLC in New Mexico
Steps to starting an LLC in New Mexico:
- Name Your New Mexico LLC – New Mexico’s business name reservation filing fee is $20
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – Create an account on New Mexico’s Corporations and Business Services Portal to submit Articles of Organization – $50 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- New Mexico does not require LLCs to file yearly reports.
Starting an LLC in New York
Steps to starting an LLC in New York:
- Name Your New York LLC – New York’s business name reservation filing fee is $20
- Submit to the New York Department of State an address to which legal documents can be forwarded by the Secretary of State.
- Designate a Registered Agent – In New York, you are required to name the Secretary of State as your LLC’s registered agent. You are permitted to name an additional New York resident or registered agent business as your LLC’s agent.
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $200 filing fee
- Publish your Articles of Organization (or similar document) in Two Newspapers – The newspapers must be designated by the county clerk of the county where the LLC’s office resides. Notices are required to run once a week for six weeks.
- Once the notices have run, the newspapers will provide you with affidavits of publication. You must file these, together with a Certificate of Publication, with the New York Department of State. There is a $50 filing fee. You must file the certificate within 120 days of the LLC’s formation.
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information biennially by the end of the anniversary month that your business was formed – $9 filing fee
Visit our guide to starting an LLC in New York
LLC formation in North Carolina
Steps to starting an LLC in North Carolina:
- Name Your North Carolina LLC – North Carolina’s business name reservation filing fee is $10
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $125
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually on April 15th of each year after the year of creation – $200 filing fee
How to Start an LLC in North Dakota
Steps to starting an LLC in North Dakota:
- Name Your North Dakota LLC – North Dakota’s business name reservation filing fee is $10
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $135
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually on or by November 15 of each year – $50
Starting an LLC in Ohio
Steps to starting an LLC in Ohio:
- Name your Ohio LLC – Ohio’s business name reservation filing fee is $39
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Check if your Ohio LLC needs a business or vendor’s license on the state of Ohio’s business checklist.
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $99 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- Comply with Employer Obligations: Report all new employee hires to the Ohio New Hire Reporting Center within 20 days of hiring or rehiring; purchase workers’ compensation insurance as soon as the first person is hired; establish an unemployment compensation tax account with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.
- Ohio does not require LLCs to file yearly reports.
LLC formation in Oklahoma
Steps to starting an LLC in Oklahoma:
- Name Your Oklahoma LLC – Oklahoma’s business name reservation filing fee is $10
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $100 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by the end of your LLC’s anniversary month – $25 filing fee
How to Start an LLC in Oregon
Steps to starting an LLC in Oregon:
- Name Your Oregon LLC – Oregon’s business name reservation filing fee is $100
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $100
- Receive a Certificate From the State of Oregon
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by your LLC’s anniversary date (the state mails out reminders 45 days in advance) – $100 filing fee
Visit our guide to starting an LLC in Oregon
Starting an LLC in Pennsylvania
Steps to starting an LLC in Pennsylvania:
- Name Your Pennsylvania LLC – Pennsylvania’s business name reservation filing fee is $70
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $125 filing fee
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Comply with Employer Obligations – Report new employees to the government within 20 days of their hire date; withhold federal, state and local income taxes from their employees’ wages and forward what is collected to the government; pay taxes to the state unemployment fund; purchase workers compensation insurance for work-related injuries.
- File a Statement of Information – Pennsylvania requires LLCs to file a Decennial Report every ten years on years ending in “1” i.e. 2011, 2021, 2031, etc. – $70 filing fee
LLC formation in Rhode Island
Steps to starting an LLC in Rhode Island:
- Name Your Rhode Island LLC – Rhode Island’s business name reservation filing fee is $50
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $150 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually between February 1st and May 1st – $50 filing fee
How to Start an LLC in South Carolina
Steps to starting an LLC in South Carolina:
- Name Your South Carolina LLC – South Carolina’s business name reservation filing fee is: $25
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $110 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- South Carolina does not require LLCs to submit annual reports.
Starting an LLC in South Dakota
Steps to starting an LLC in South Dakota:
- Name Your South Dakota LLC – South Dakota’s business name reservation fee is $25
- Choose Your Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $165 filing fee by mail, $150 online through the business registration portal
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by the beginning of the anniversary month of your LLC’s formation – $50 filing fee
LLC formation in Tennessee
Steps to starting an LLC in Tennessee:
- Name Your Tennessee LLC – Tennessee’s business name reservation fee is $20
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – filing fee is $50 for each existing LLC member, with a minimum fee of $300 and a maximum fee of $3,000 for both mail-in applications and electronic applications.
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually – filing fee is $300 for LLCs with up to six members, and another $50 for each additional member, up to a maximum fee of $3,000.
How to Start an LLC in Texas
Steps to starting an LLC in Texas:
- Name your Texas LLC – Texas’s business name reservation fee is $40
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $300 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File an LLC Franchise Tax and Public Information Report – Texas LLCs are not required to file an annual report or pay reporting fees, but they are subject to a state franchise tax, which is due annually on or before May 15th. The first report is not due until the year after your LLC was formed.
Visit our guide to starting an LLC in Texas
Starting an LLC in Utah
Steps to starting an LLC in Utah:
- Name your Utah LLC – Utah’s business name reservation fee is $22
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $54 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually on the date the LLC was formed – $18 filing fee
LLC formation in Vermont
Steps to starting an LLC in Vermont:
- Name your Vermont LLC – Vermont’s business name reservation fee is $20
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $125 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually within three months of the end of your LLC’s fiscal year – $35 filing fee
How to Start an LLC in Virginia
Steps to starting an LLC in Virginia:
- Name Your Virginia LLC – Virginia’s business name reservation fee is $10
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $100 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- Comply with Employer Obligations
- Report new employees to the government within 20 days of their hire date
- Withhold federal, state and local income taxes from their employees’ wages and forward what is collected to the government
- Pay taxes to the state unemployment fund
- Buy workers compensation insurance for work-related injuries
- Virginia LLCs are not required to file a yearly report, but they are required to pay an annual $50 registration fee starting a year after formation, by the end of the anniversary month.
Starting an LLC in Washington
Steps to starting an LLC in Washington:
- Name Your Washington LLC – Washington’s business name reservation fee is $30
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $180 filing fee by mail, $200 filing fee for electronic filing
- Obtain a Washington Business License – Licenses are obtained through the Department of Revenue, application fees depend on the type of entity applying.
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- File an Initial Report – New LLCs in Washington must file an Initial Report with the Secretary of State within 120 days of formation. This is the first annual report filed with the state and can be completed electronically – $10 filing fee
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually by the end of the registration anniversary month – $60 filing fee
Visit our guide to starting an LLC in Washington State
LLC formation in West Virginia
Steps to starting an LLC in West Virginia:
- Name Your West Virginia LLC – West Virginia’s business name reservation fee is $15
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $100 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Obtain a West Virginia Business Registration Certificate – $30 filing fee
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually between January 1st and July 1st – $25 filing fee
How to Start an LLC in Wisconsin
Steps to starting an LLC in Wisconsin:
- Name Your Wisconsin LLC – Wisconsin’s business name reservation fee is $15
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – filing fee is $130 for online applications, $170 for mail-in applications
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information annually with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) – The DFI will let you know when your annual report is due by sending forms to the address of your registered agent. These forms will contain information for you to complete the report online – $25 filing fee
Starting an LLC in Wyoming
Steps to starting an LLC in Wyoming:
- Name Your Wyoming LLC – Wyoming’s business name reservation fee is $60
- Designate a Registered Agent
- Prepare and File Articles of Organization (or similar document) – $100 filing fee
- Receive a Certificate From the State
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Get an Employer Identification Number for free online via the IRS.
- File a Statement of Information and pay a license tax starting the second year of business, report and fee due annually before your registration anniversary – $60 fee for businesses with less than $300,000 in Wyoming assets; for businesses with more than $300,000 in assets, multiply the amount of assets by 0.0002 to determine your tax.